
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Manage permissions for a list, library, or single item or document

This post is going to describe that how to assign unique permissions for a list, library or single list item, or document.

List / Library

Remove inherited permission from Users/Group in list
1. Open the list/library that you want to edit permission
2. Go to List Settings (or Library Settings if it is and library)
3. Go to Permission for this List (or Permission for this Library) under Permission and Management Section.
Permission page for the list will be displayed and you can see that list has inherited permission from site.
4. Click Stop inheriting permissions.
Now the list will be removed inherited permission and it has copy of its own permission.

Remove permission from Users/Group in list
1. Click check box in the left side of user/group name in the name section.
2. Click Remove User Permission under Permissions tab.
Grant permission to Users/Groups for list
1. Click Grant Permissions under Permissions tab and then the list permission pop window will displayed.
2. Type names of the users / groups which you need to grant permissions to the list.
3. Click SELECT OPTIONS to edit permission levels for selected users/ groups.
4. Click Share.

Inherit Permissions from Parent
1. Open the list/library that you want to edit permission
2. Go to List Settings ( or Library Settings if it is and library)
3. Go to Permission for this List (or Permission for this Library) under Permission and Management Section
Permission page for the list will be displayed and you can see that list has inherited permission from site.
4. Click Delete unique permissions.
Now the list will be removed inherited permission and it has copy of its own permission.

Note:- Managing permission on single list item or library document will follow the same steps above.

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