
Friday, December 25, 2015

Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application Service Stuck at Start/Stop.

SharePoint 2013 consists with plenty of services that work in servers of SharePoint farm. In some cases, it needs to configure settings and start/stop some service. Central Administration hold the rights to manage service directly in this scenario. It can also manage and monitor services remotely. In addition we can manage services by using Windows PowerShell.

In this post, its going to describe how to work with SharePoint Foundation Web Application Service using PowerShell.

1. Open SharePoint 2013 Management Shell as Administrator. Type Following command.

Get-SPServiceInstance -Server [Your_Server_Name] | sort TypeName | Format-Table -AutoSize

This will display all the services which reside on SharePoint Server.(Note that MS SharePoint Foundation Web Application Service is in “Unprovisioning” Status.)
2. In this step we are going to stop MS SharePoint Foundation Web Application Service using PowerShell. Open SharePoint 2013 Management Shell as Administrator. Type Following command.

Get-SPServiceInstance -Server [Your_Server_Name] | Where-Object <$_.TypeName -eq “Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application”> | Stop-SPServiceInstance -Confirm:$false

This will stop the service which is in “Unprovisioning” Status.
3. Now we need to restart the service again using PowerShell. Open SharePoint 2013 Management Shell as Administrator. Type Following command.

stsadm -o provisionservice -action start -servicetype spwebservice

This will restart the service which is stopped previous step.
4. Now we can check whether service has started successfully.Open SharePoint 2013 Management Shell as Administrator. Type Following command.

Get-SPServiceInstance -Server [Your_Server_Name] | sort TypeName | Format-Table -AutoSize

This will display all the services which reside on SharePoint Server.(Note that MS SharePoint Foundation Web Application Service is in “Online” Status now. So the service has started successfully.)
Also we can check the MS SharePoint Foundation Web Application Service on Central Administration.
Note that MS SharePoint Foundation Web Application Service is in “Started” Status now.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

String Functions in SharePoint Designer Workflows 2013

SharePoint Designer 2013 contains the some useful utility actions as follows which can manipulate strings in designer workflows.

 - Extract Substring from Start of String
 - Extract Substring from End of String
 - Extract Substring of String from Index with Length
 - Extract Substring from Index of String
 - Find Substring in String
 - Replace Substring in String
 - Trim String

In this post you will get to know that how to use Replace Substring in String and Trim String.

Trim String

This action removes leading and trailing spaces from a text string. When you add this action to a SharePoint workflow, the following sentence is displayed:

Trim string (Output to Variable: output)

ex: Let's say you have column name "Employee Master" and there some records exists in the list which has value " David Jone Byrne " for "Employee Name". Now you want to remove all leading and trailing spaces from the sentence, you would have to configure the
Trim String workflow action as follows:

Trim  David Jone Byrne (Output to Variable: output)

output contains the result, "David Jone Byrne"

Replace Substring in String

This action replaces particular substring with another substring.

1. Create New SharePoint Designer Workflow 2013
2. Go to Action under Insert tab and select Replace Substring in String under Utility Actions. You will get following line in your workflow.

Replace string with string in string (Output to Variable:output)

ex: Let's say you have column name "Employee Master" and there some records exists in the list which has value "David Jone Byrne" for "Employee Name".
Now you have to to replace the word "John" with the word "Christoper". Lets see how to do that.

Replace John with Christoper in David Jone Byrne (Output to Variable:output)

output contains the result, "David Christoper Byrne"

Note: This SharePoint Designer workflow action could be used for upper- and lower-casing words or sentences in a SharePoint workflow.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Promoted Links in SharePoint 2013

In this post you going to know that how to create and work with promoted links in SharePoint 2013. Simply follow the steps below.

1. Open your site and go the Site Contents.
2. Click add an app.
3. Scroll down in Your Apps page and in Apps you can add section click Promoted Links.
4. Type a name for your promoted links list and click Create.

Now you have created the promoted links list. Let’s see how to add links to the promoted list.

5. Go to Site Contents and click on the promoted links list that you created in previous step.
6. Go to New in Items tabs and click New Item.
7. Insert the information for the promoted link as following:

- Title – [Title for the Link to display when in Tiles View]
- Background Image Location – [Background image URL for the Link to display when in Tiles view.   This Image should store in SharePoint Picture Library]
- Description – [Description for the Link to display when in Tiles View].
- Link Location – [Navigate URL of the Link when click on it.]
- Launch Behavior – [Launching behavior of the Link]
- Order – [Order of the Link to display when in Tiles View]
8. Click Save when you done.

Now you have added a link to your promoted links list. Follow the same steps as above to add more links. 

Note: You can switch between Tiles view and All Promoted Links (List edit mode) view anytime by selecting the view from Current View dropdown under Manage Views section in List tab.